NYC Trip


There were about 16 of us on this weekend trip to NYC from 23.09.05 ~ 25.09.05. It was cool to see the city again after 10 years, and we had a lot of fun roaming about in the roads of NYC. The hostel was horrid but the food was good!! Much better than DC!

I accidentally spilled tea on my friend's new sweater! Yesh i was that clusmy. It was 7ish and i slept late the night before. Sleepy and clumsy me.So there are 5 photos depicting the whole situation.

No2. She comes back happily.

No3. I confessed to her and she was devastated.

no4. She is sad becuase her new sweater is ruined by me. =(

no5. So she pretends to hit me.

This is a sign in the metro @ NYC Chinatown. That place is really filthy, almost qualify to be a dump.

Me with the sign @ metro. That seems to be similar to the signs we have here in Singapore.

The complex Metro system and its signboard.

The buzzling, dazzling City with all the broadway shows and lights that never goes off even after midnight.

Famous 'YEllow' Cab!

One of the Broadway theatres - Rent. You would know about it if you had watched the movie.

Along 42nd street, Times Square.

MTV Store!! TRL Studio is just right above the store!!! It is so cool to be there.

The BIG Toy'r'us in NYC Times Square. I love that place. I get all my board games from there!

MoMa museum.

Shules and our artistic 'emergency' exit.

The signboard at Ground Zero. It's sad to be there and see the rubble left in that place. You just can't help but to think of all the horror stories you heard about 9/11 - people jumping off the buildings, crushed by the rubble and firemen who died trying to save others.

A bouquet of flowers left there for someone i supposed.

Toys'r'us ferry wheel within the building!!!!

NYDP riding horses, roaming around Times Square.

It's part of the decor of some building. Hehe. Chocolates!

Rockefeller Center.

Me & Marie @ Rockefeller Center.

Holy Trinity Church. The interior design is just breathtaking. It is one of the most amazing churches i have visited so far.

Oh this is an artistic picture. Actually i wanted to take a picture of the whole trump tower but somehow i captured Marie in it too. It's like a stark contrast of how small human beings are as compared to buildings.

United Nations Headquarters.

This monk was sitting at the street across the UN building. I asked him for permission to take photos of his sit in and he agreed. He is protesting for Aung San Syu Ski who has been under house arrest since 2001 if im not wrong.

Me & Marie + King Kong @ The Empire State Building!!!

We went to watch this show - STOMP. If you haven't heard of them, please do go n find out. It is amazing how they can make sounds out of just simple brooms.

Me and Ayako were taking a series of 'act cute' pictures. HAha.. this is the relatively mild one.

Guggenhiem Museum. We went there but didn't go in because it was too expensive to go in. Besides, we weren't very arty people. Only Shules seem to appreciate them fully.

BLOOMINGDALES!!! It's a HUGE departmental store.

FAO Schwartz. The disneyland for all kids. They have all kinds of soft toys inside and they are all pricey!!

There is a little cafe within FAO Schwartz selling the BEST MILKSHAKE EVER!! They have all kinds of desserts and it is absolutely amazing!!!!! I love the milkshake there!!

me and Fahad waiting for our strawberry milkshake.

A group photo of all who were there enjoying the milkshakes.

And this is a group photo with this guy dressed as a toy soldier who went around talking to people.

This is to contrast how big the mug is.

Second Contrast.

3 of us shared the milkshake... Even though it was satisfying, it still left us wanting for more.
time // 9:29 PM

Club Peace


Marie's friend brought us to this club, Peace or something. I can't remember the name but it was quite cool to go into a real club and see what's inside. However, some of our group members were a little too young and they had some trouble at the entrance. One of them had to go back but the others managed to come in. We all had fun. =)

These are the pictures before clubbing. Haha

time // 9:25 PM

First 10 days of September


Mount Vernon

Fountain at the Quad. There is hardly any water inside.

The Mount Vernon Express Shuttle Bus, taking us from Mount Vernon Campus to the main campus for our lessons. =) Its about 10 minutes ride, and it can stretch to 30 mins if you meet a slow driver or traffic jam.


It is like an old town, except that it is a high-class shopping district. There are all kinds of branded shops there ranging from Coach to Zara and etc. There are many restaurants around, but they are kinda of pricey.

One of the shop signs.

Suntrust Bank.

Wendy's Chicken Strips meal!

US Department of Transportation.

National Air and Space Museum

Signboard directing us to the entrance.

They have all kinds of old planes and aircrafts in the museum. It is really huge and you can take just one whole day to look around. We were there for two hours and i hardly finished half the museum. Maybe because i tend to read the description and walk a little too slowly. But it was really cool!

Space Shuttle Model.

It is one of those spacecraft that they built but did not get to venture into the space. Quite cool huh?

Me and the girls. =)

There was this funfair thing in the main campus and we decided to go there and look around. There were so mnay people there and everyone seems to know everyone else. We were like this group of weird exchange students. haha

There you go

Me, Shules, Marie and Glenn were on our way to meet one of the graduates for dinner at Adams Morgan. Its really quite a cool place, alot like Mohammad Sultan. But it was a long way from the Metro. That's me and shules

That's us girls.

Shules' artistic pose.

Turkish Dessert! I forgot what it is called but it is absolutely delicious!!! Wheat with cheese and sugar(honey) syrup on it. AHHH!!
time // 3:45 PM
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