National Mall - Lincoln + Jefferson


Lincoln Memorial behind the reflection pool.

Turning to the other side, we see the Washington Monument standing tall. It is the tallest building in DC and there is this architecture rule whereby buildings are not allowed to be built taller than this.

The group of people i went out with. :)

Lincoln Memorial

A stature of Lincoln sitting on the stone chair looking directly towards Washington Monument. Many of the buildings in the National mall are built around the Washington Monument and they are quite interesting actually.

Me with Abraham Lincoln behind. =)

This is his speech when he proclaimed emancipation for the slaves if im not wrong. The words are inscribed on the wall.

This is the Korean War Memorial. The whole yard is filled with statures of military men who fought in the Korean Wall.

The words written.

'Freedom is not free'

Little Kids playing by the pond at the korean war memorial.

Thomas Jefferson's memorial.

Thomas Jefferson's stature. If i didn't remember wrongly, he is looking towards the White House. It's like he is looking at whoever is in the White House to prevent them from making serious mistakes.

Scenery from the Jefferson's MEmorial.
time // 3:17 PM


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