Orientation 1


My GWorld pass. You can add money into the card and use it anywhere within the school to buy books, pay for your meals, do laundry or etc. It's quite cool because unlike our own matriculation card, we can actually use to do something! However, because it has no name on it, it becomes a problem when you lose your card.

Me, Aysun and Shules. We met Aysun while we were waiting for orientation. :P

Just one group of people, mostly Asian i think. haha

An interesting poster i spotted while browsing at Tower Records. They have many weird and fun posters but i think this is quite cool! We can never do that in Singapore can we?

A whole big group of exchange students.

Me and Shules.

Me, Shules and Aysun. Oh yah, we were on our way to the ESPN Zone and we took metro to Metro center. Because we were new in the city, we started snapping pictures of everything and everyone. Yeah this is one of the crazy pictures we took.

We were on our way back and i was tired. Someone decided to snap some pictures of us and i used the towel to cover my face. =)

Me, Aysun, Shules, Mari on the shuttle back to Mount Vernon Campus.
time // 3:07 PM


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