Aysun's 21st Birthday!!


It was Aysun's 21st birthday and so we threw a small celebration for her. I spent 3 hours whipping up a meal for her and we bought lots of beer and cake for her. It was fun and i got drunK!

Chips and Alcohol..

Aysun coming into her room after we tried frantically to doll it up. =)

Aysun cutting her birthday cake. The cake was from 'The Cheesecake Factory'! Yummy..

We were using static to make the balloons stick to the wall and it works. So Glenn was trying to do the same with Julien.

Now its time for shots

Aysun first.

Me second.

Isabelle third.

Adrienne fourth

Will fifth.

Shuli sixth

Julien seventh.

Mari eighth.

Yukina ninth

Ayako tenth.

Glenn eleventh.

Marie the last one!!! Woo Hoo!
time // 8:59 PM


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