National Archives + Capitol Hill


I wanted to go to National Archives to see the Declaration of Independence for as long as i can remember. SO i decided to go there randomly on Saturday during the Thanksgiving break. I went with Glenn because everyone else was away. :P

The National Archives building

ONe of the stone statures outside the building. They have interesting messages inscribed on the stone beneath.

Magna Carta - Check it out!

Declaration of Independence!

So after national archives, we decided to walk down to capitol hill since it was relatively close. And i'm glad we went on that day because the scenery was breathtaking...

IN front of the reflecting pool. ...

Towards Capitol Hill . . .

time // 9:13 AM



Everyone went somewhere during Thanksgiving except me and a few others. The whole campus was quiet and dead. So i decided to take a morning stroll to the White House which is somewhere near my campus. It was fun walking alone, except that it gets cold.

IMF building - near Foggy Bottom

World Bank building

World Bank...

I think i was outside World Bank or IMF when i took this...

I took this when i was outside the White House. They had this big driveway which was closed and people could just walk around by themselves.

A stature outside White HOuse

White House no. 1

White House no. 2

One of the squrriels there looking for nuts i supposed.

Treasury Building...

Me outside the Treasury Building

PNC Bank

The front yard of the White House. I think this is where they receive diplomats and foreign leaders.


Washington Monument...1

Washington Monument 2

Some nice folks from Australia helped me to take this picture. It was nice to talk to someone from somewhere near my home..
time // 9:03 AM



We went for NHL and NBA games on 11th Nov and 12th Nov. It was really an eye-opener. The feeling you get from watching it live and watching on tv is so different. I enjoyed every bit of it even though it was a little ex for NBA. :P

Skating Ring.

Close up of the game

Near the goal post..

NBA game - San Antonio vs. Washington Wizards~!!

Cheerleaders during the breaks
time // 8:57 AM

Snowy Snowy


It was snowing pretty heavily @ one of the afternoons and a few days after. These are just collection of pictures i have taken when it snowed and after it snowed.

a ball of snow

time // 9:48 AM
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.: exodus mainsite:.



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