

Everyone went somewhere during Thanksgiving except me and a few others. The whole campus was quiet and dead. So i decided to take a morning stroll to the White House which is somewhere near my campus. It was fun walking alone, except that it gets cold.

IMF building - near Foggy Bottom

World Bank building

World Bank...

I think i was outside World Bank or IMF when i took this...

I took this when i was outside the White House. They had this big driveway which was closed and people could just walk around by themselves.

A stature outside White HOuse

White House no. 1

White House no. 2

One of the squrriels there looking for nuts i supposed.

Treasury Building...

Me outside the Treasury Building

PNC Bank

The front yard of the White House. I think this is where they receive diplomats and foreign leaders.


Washington Monument...1

Washington Monument 2

Some nice folks from Australia helped me to take this picture. It was nice to talk to someone from somewhere near my home..
time // 9:03 AM


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