DC (US trip) part 2


Masonic Temple @ Alexandria

WX's friend and her husband brought us to the Masonic Temple @ Alexandria. It was kinda of nice to go up there and the view was really spectacular.

This is one of the houses @ Alexandria. Since we were there nearing Xmas, almost all houses had Christmas decorations outside their houses. It was so cool and nice. :P

International Monetary Building

We were coming back from the post office and on our way back, we saw a group of Estonians protesting outside IMF for their policies towards teh Third World.

National Archives

Capitol HIll

LIbrary of Congress

See how blue the sky is!!!!!

DC Police Car.. hehe

Thomas Jefferson Library

Supreme Court. It looks so majestic, unlike our Supreme Court in Singapore.

Union Station

Hard Rock Cafe @ DC

Arlington Cemetery

time // 9:31 AM


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