National Mall - Lincoln + Jefferson


Lincoln Memorial behind the reflection pool.

Turning to the other side, we see the Washington Monument standing tall. It is the tallest building in DC and there is this architecture rule whereby buildings are not allowed to be built taller than this.

The group of people i went out with. :)

Lincoln Memorial

A stature of Lincoln sitting on the stone chair looking directly towards Washington Monument. Many of the buildings in the National mall are built around the Washington Monument and they are quite interesting actually.

Me with Abraham Lincoln behind. =)

This is his speech when he proclaimed emancipation for the slaves if im not wrong. The words are inscribed on the wall.

This is the Korean War Memorial. The whole yard is filled with statures of military men who fought in the Korean Wall.

The words written.

'Freedom is not free'

Little Kids playing by the pond at the korean war memorial.

Thomas Jefferson's memorial.

Thomas Jefferson's stature. If i didn't remember wrongly, he is looking towards the White House. It's like he is looking at whoever is in the White House to prevent them from making serious mistakes.

Scenery from the Jefferson's MEmorial.
time // 3:17 PM

Orientation 1


My GWorld pass. You can add money into the card and use it anywhere within the school to buy books, pay for your meals, do laundry or etc. It's quite cool because unlike our own matriculation card, we can actually use to do something! However, because it has no name on it, it becomes a problem when you lose your card.

Me, Aysun and Shules. We met Aysun while we were waiting for orientation. :P

Just one group of people, mostly Asian i think. haha

An interesting poster i spotted while browsing at Tower Records. They have many weird and fun posters but i think this is quite cool! We can never do that in Singapore can we?

A whole big group of exchange students.

Me and Shules.

Me, Shules and Aysun. Oh yah, we were on our way to the ESPN Zone and we took metro to Metro center. Because we were new in the city, we started snapping pictures of everything and everyone. Yeah this is one of the crazy pictures we took.

We were on our way back and i was tired. Someone decided to snap some pictures of us and i used the towel to cover my face. =)

Me, Aysun, Shules, Mari on the shuttle back to Mount Vernon Campus.
time // 3:07 PM

[Aug 05] My Room and First glimpses of the city


My study table and part of my bed.
The room is really quite big with two single beds, two study tables and two closets excluding the walkin closet. It is one of the biggest rooms in the hall as it is situated at a corner. And there is a housekeeper who cleans one room once every week.

This is the closet, micro-fridge. The top black box is a microwave and the the bottom black rectangular box is a mini-fridge.

This is our bathroom whereby we have to share it with the residents of the next room. My suitemate was living alone and she is really quite nice.

This 7-eleven is situated at the main campus - Foggy Bottom. Unlike the usual 7-elevens, it closes at 1130pm. So anytime after that, you can't get anything there.

A little glimpse of my hall and the mount vernon campus.

The selection of cheese at a local supermarket - Safeway. They have so many more variety as compared to Singapore. Probably that is because we don't eat so much cheese unlike the Westerners. It's not part of our diet.

Chunky!! There is one whole row of canned food and apparently, people drink such canned soups very often. I became one of their regular customers eventually too - Cream of mushroom!

Safeway supermarket somewhere near my campus.
time // 2:52 PM

[22.08.05] Before Departure for DC


Dinner with my cell group people at some japanese restuarant in Marine Square. GOOD FOOD!!!

My family @ Changi Airport Terminal One.

WX and Me

Friends who came to send me off.

BV Mentors who came all the way from Bukit Batok to Changi just to send me off. =)
time // 1:13 PM
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